Friulian Fare Focus of Upcoming Wine Dinner

Giorgio Colutta is visiting the states for a short time, and we are excited he will be with us this Wednesday, August 10 at 7 pm for our Under the Friulian Stars Wine Dinner. Along with his distinctive Colutta wines, we will be serving a special Friulian menu.  41558540 - homemade parmesan cheese crisps on a cutting boardThe meal will begin with San Daniele Proscuitto which is produced only in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region alongside a very typical Friulian dish of “Frico” – Montasio cheese crisps (pictured). Our second course of Tagliolini Alla Trota Affumicata (hand-cut fresh egg pasta and smoked trout) incorporates poppy seeds which isn’t a standard Italian seasoning. The Friuli area flavors are influenced by its proximity to Austria and Eastern Europe. You may also see the use of dill, ginger, saffron and wild herbs and grasses in this style of cooking.
We’ve all had Italian, but this is your chance to try Friulian Italian which offers a unique palate of flavors for your tongue to savor. Get your tickets now before they sell out, and escape to Friuli, Italy with us.