As a woman who has owned and run a business in Washington for 28 years, I am pleased to welcome the thousands of women who will be traveling here on Saturday for the Women’s March on Washington. We stand together recognizing that womens’ rights are human rights. We are inviting any woman – whether a march participant or not – to join us afterwards to exchange ideas and learn from each other at our Women’s March Dinner Conversation, Saturday from 4-10 pm. There will be hot drinks (Vin Brule and Hot Toddies) with savory bites at the Bar and dinner specials. We will also be offering the option of communal seating to encourage dialogue and camaraderie. This march is going global and is even taking place in Florence and Rome!
We also invite you to stop by any time this week through Saturday to try our Inaugural drinks – the Trump-tini (gin, pomegranate, lemon shaken with a splash of prosecco) and Barack Rocks (vodka, lime, Curacao, Sprite) cocktails. Did you know it’s hard to eat at most of the Inaugural parties? Join us for dinner before heading out, and be prepared to party the night away (with a full stomach and comfortable shoes).