POWER, PASSION, PRIDE, BRIBERY – The craziest horse race in the world!
Sunday, August 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM
Siena, Italy is the scene of an ancient ritual – one of the most exciting horse races in the world. 10 jockeys riding bareback, 3 laps and 70 seconds to win one of Italy’s most intense rivalries. For days, the entire city takes to the streets to eat and drink at parties that last all night. This year we are moving our communal tables INSIDE, out of the heat, as we recapture the Italian sense of camaraderie, merriment and good food.
Summer Spritz cocktails & assorted crostini
“Priest Stranglers” artisanal pasta, wild boar sauce
Pork loin, lamb, chicken, fennel sausage spiedino
Fried zucchini blossoms & summer vegetables
Chicory, arugula, mint, lemon salad
Homemade peach almond tart
$89 (tax & tip not included)
RESERVATIONS: Call: 202 835 0459